Monday, September 17, 2007


Have you ever used the search engine Google? I'm sure you have, but when you find a website, read for facts, and then write them down, are you sure you are getting true and correct information. For example 9/11 facts state two airplanes hit the Twin Towers, but there are several sites that say the buildings were bombed. How do you know it's true or not? I believe Google is a great search engine. For the most part it gives correct information and when i'm not sure of it i go to more sites and check if they have the same facts.
When we are in school we learn from textbooks, teacher's, and sometimes from other students. Have you ever been taught to search the web? If our school's and teacher's teach us to search the web we not only will have more links for more information, but we will never get stuck on something. We will be able to look it up with our help from our teacher's on how to search the web and get true and correct facts about the world.

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